1.In the whole process, what most impressed me was that the game of " look for the thing collectively" and " the great wall" .
2.Let's take a look at how this whole process works, as it can be tricky to understand without a bit of a primer.
3."bian" tends to express the complete repetition for a whole process of a certain event or action.
4.In itself that represents something of a victory. Not long ago China and Russia wanted to put off the whole process.
5.Let the system evolve with your needs, rather then trying to build the whole process at once.
6.At the heart of the whole process is Zynga's ability to analyze reams of data on how players are reacting to its games.
7.The psychological assessment of the children with special needs runs through the whole process of special education and instruction.
8.The whole process isn't a quick one, depending on how much tape you have and how fast a system and large a hard drive you've got.
9.From which, one can conclude that this subject is already perfect in this regard, and is the fundamental hypothesis of this whole process.
10.quality control, process is the production of the whole process to control, the control is, not to the point of control.